Monday, August 23, 2010

Why Do Birds Sing First Thing In The Morning?

There is more to birdsong than just its musical content. In fact from the bird's point of view, that's the least of it. birdsong is all about territory and defence. It is used to attract mates and warn of rivals. It can also alert other birds to danger and young birds use it to tell their parents they are hungry.

Without doubt birdsong is best heard at dawn. It happens around the world from rain forest to temperate meadows, but we are not certain why. It could be because dawn is often a still and tranquil time of the day, so the sound carries better. Measurements have shown that the song can carry twenty times further than at other times of day. Also, it's a time of day when the birds don't have much else to do: there's less light for hunting and insects will still be hiding after the cool of the night and so the birds sing. Enjoy! It's one of the wonders of the world.